Monday's at 6:30pm
Friday's 8:30am-3:30pm
Saturday's 4pm - 4:45pm
Inspired by the teaching and example of Jesus Christ, and in communion with the Diocese of Little Rock and the universal church, we, the community of St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church, are called to give witness by our commitment to the ministries of worship, word, and service.
We strive to be a community that welcomes all, and that challenges our members to grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ as we work with Him to continue His mission.
Are you looking for a faith home? Have you been attending Mass but not able to come to communion because you are not Catholic? Are you a Catholic who needs to complete your sacraments? Now is the time to make all things right!
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is gearing up for this year. We will begin classes in September. All your materials are supplied. Please come and join us on our journey of faith.
Thank you,
Gretel Smith
OCIA Coordinator